Our Design

Designed to be Your Future Heirloom

Our jewelry is created by designer Laura Preshong and hand-made by professional jewelers, and craftsmen all within 50 miles of our Boston location. Jewelry design is an art that is learned by trial and error, practice, and practical application. Years of making and wearing jewelry have taught us a few design techniques that make our jewelry low-profile, stackable, and beautiful. We hope you'll think so too!

Ethical Fine Jewelry

Our ethical engagement rings are fully customizable meaning most of our designs will suit any center stone shape from Princess, to Pear, Oval, or Brilliant Cut. You choose your metal color, conflict-free or lab-grown diamonds, Moissanite, or fair trade precious gemstones center stone in any size or shape, and we combine the setting and center stone into one perfect engagement ring.

Versatility Matters

We make our engagement and wedding collections in every color of recycled 14K gold and 950 platinum, with two finishes matte or high polish available, and with any shaped center stone you like. Don’t see what you're looking for, just imagine it, and let us make your perfect custom ring just the way you want it.
Low Profile

Designed to complement your busy lifestyle. We set our rings using an age old setting notch that brings the stone down as close to your hand as physically possible without compromising the heirloom quality.

No Gap

Designed to nest with no added height. Being engineers and jewelry designers we know that very few people set out to purchase an engagement ring that requires some bulky, single purpose wedding band. Who doesn’t love a ring stack?

Perfect Proportions

Designed to nest with no added height. Being engineers and jewelry designers we know that very few people set out to purchase an engagement ring that requires some bulky, single purpose wedding band. Who doesn’t love a ring stack?

Oval Shaped Bands

Flat surfaces aid in speed of production, not in comfort. Our ring bands are rounded on the inside and the outside providing superior comfort and a lower profile without compromising strength.

Better Construction

Jewelry designers are engineers, and engineers know more points of contact equals more strength and more strength equals a lifetime of wear. Our engagement rings are dainty but engineered to stand the test of time, and are sure to become a future heirloom.